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Web3 Solution For Car Rental

We strengthen trust in car rentals by integrating web3 and blockchain technologies. This creates a transparent and fair platform, eliminating barriers between car owners and renters.

Incredibly features

Luxury Car Rental in Dubai

Innovative Platform

With our platform, you can easily rent a car, as well as lease out your own vehicle, and earn income.

Tokenized IP Shares

By tokenizing our intellectual property shares, we are opening up new opportunities for both landlords and users. Rent cars for cryptocurrency and become co-owners of our business after just one trip.

Transparent Car Rental Relations

Every user can access on-chain reviews about car rentals and clients alike. All information is securely stored in the blockchain and remains immutable, ensuring trust and credibility in every transaction.

AI Technologies

By integrating AI technologies into our project, we aim to provide the best service for our clients, as well as to optimize the operation of the entire project to the maximum.

Rent a car

Legally rent a car with cryptocurrency

Our BTAXI token is not just a cryptocurrency, it is officially registered as an IP-Shares management instrument.

Try to rent

BTC.TAXI is an Intellectual Property-Based Investment Business Project

Our company is officially registered in Dubai and has all necessary documents, patents, and licenses for its legal activities.

With us, you'll be able to:

- Rent a car online - it's very convenient and will save you time. Flexible payment system.

- List your car on our platform and earn income from its rental - this is a great way to monetize a car that you don't use constantly.

- For third-party car rental providers, cooperating with us will open up the opportunity to legally rent out their cars for cryptocurrencies, increase conversion rates, and attract new customers. This opens up new opportunities and expands the scope of activity.

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Our Strategy & Project Plan

Q4 2022
Concept Generation Team Assemble
Q2 2023
Registration Company
IP-Portfolio, IP-Protection, IP-Strategy, Valuation, IP-Shares
Q3 2023
Create MVP
Test our platform. First client company
Q2 2024
Listing of $BTAXI token
Full-scale platform launch
Q1 2024
First round of investment
Sale of tokenized NFT Intellectual Property shares
Q3 2024
Company revaluation
To potentially expand the company's services
Q4 2024
Dividend payout
To all NFT and $BTAXI token holders
Q1 2025
Second round of investment
Preparation for buying our own cars. Company development
NFT Collection

First round of investment

By purchasing our NFTs, you become an investor in our company and earn the right to receive dividends amounting to 10% of the company's annual profit. As a bonus, every NFT holder will be credited with the BTAXI token after listing.

The funds raised from the first round of investment are planned to be allocated towards ensuring the liquidity of the token and continuing the enhancement of our application.

Therefore, by joining us during the first round of investment, you will get the opportunity to own shares of our company encrypted into NFTs.

  • Intellectual Property Share
  • Dividends
  • Airdrop $BTAXI
  • Rent a luxury car in Dubai for $BTAXI

The $BTAXI token is a key component of our platform.

Thanks to our token, anyone can rent a car with just a few online clicks. It's not necessary to purchase the token personally, as the smart contract will handle the transaction automatically.

For each rental, you will receive a 5% cashback in the form of the $BTAXI token, registered as intellectual property shares. These shares can be sold for USDT or held to receive dividends from our company's profits.

The goal of our project is to enhance trust between customers and car rental companies. Through blockchain technology, essential information from each car rental is recorded in a block! Everyone can examine real customer reviews, and companies can learn about violations and dishonest behavior of potential clients.


Any questions?

BTC TAXI is a decentralized car rental platform that allows users to rent vehicles using cryptocurrencies. It offers a seamless and secure way to access transportation services using digital assets.

Cryptocurrency Payments: We accept a wide range of cryptocurrencies, providing you with the flexibility to choose how you want to pay.

Privacy and Security: Leveraging the built-in security of blockchain, your transactions and personal information are always protected.

24/7 Support: Our AI assistant is always ready to help you with any questions or issues you may encounter. Seamless Experience: From selecting your car to making a payment, our process is designed for your convenience.

Upon selecting a car and confirming the rental details, you'll receive a payment request with a wallet address that support the specific token being used for the rental. Ensure you have sufficient funds in your wallet to cover the rental cost.

Yes, you can pay for the car rental with cash or by credit or debit card.

Before each rental, BTC TAXI ensures that all vehicles undergo thorough maintenance and inspections to guarantee they are in optimal condition. We prioritize the safety and satisfaction of our users.

No, it's not necessary to specifically purchase $BTAXI tokens to rent a car. You need to have the required amount in your wallet in any EVM cryptocurrency. An EVM token is a token created on the Ethereum blockchain technology, which supports smart contracts and includes EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) for processing transactions. These tokens include: ETH, WBTC, BNB, MATIC, LINK, USDC, USDT, DAI, UNI, AAVE, COMP, etc.

By participating in the first round of investments, you are not just supporting the launch of our project but also gaining a unique opportunity to increase your investments thanks to the significant growth of the company's profit in the future. Your early support will contribute to our success, allowing you to maximize the benefits from your contribution.

By deciding to acquire NFT, you get a unique chance to own a share in our company, represented as intellectual property rights encrypted in NFT.

Each owner of our NFT will receive annual dividends and a $BTAXI token airdrop following its listing.

The requirement to make a deposit depends on the specific partner company whose vehicles are listed on our platform.

The requirement for a deposit is a standard protective measure in the car rental industry. The method we are implementing for deposit storage eliminates the risk of fraud and wrongful appropriation of customer funds.

Using blockchain technology, customer deposits will be frozen in a smart contract. No one will have access to these funds. Upon the conclusion of the vehicle rental and confirmation of no damages or fines, the deposit will be automatically returned to the customer.

As compensation for any potential inconvenience associated with making a deposit, our company is introducing a cashback system. Customers receive 5% of the vehicle rental cost into their wallet in the form of $BTAXI tokens, which represent shares of the company's intellectual property. These tokens can be sold for USDT on the exchange or kept for receiving future dividends.

The required documentation varies based on your nationality and whether you are a resident or a visitor in the UAE.

Residents of the UAE will find the documentation process straightforward and efficient, needing to provide only four pieces of documentation: passport, residential visa, Emirates ID, and a valid UAE Driving License.

For tourists, the required documents are slightly different, comprising a passport, visa with an entry stamp, a valid driving license from your home country, and an international driving permit or license. However, holders of GCC, US, UK, or Canadian passports, along with passports from certain other nations, may drive using their home country's driving license.

To ascertain your eligibility for renting a vehicle in Dubai, please verify that your driving license is recognized for use within the UAE.

In the event of a traffic violation, a fine will be imposed on the driver. To prevent this, it is essential to adhere to the designated speed limits, ensure payment for your RTA parking is made in a timely manner, and follow all road signs consistently.

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